Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Jamin's Book Critique - Excitement of our Day

I've mentioned that Jamin has joined the Christian Writer's Guild. He is part of their squire program and has assignments that he has to turn into a mentor. The mentor has been tough - nice but tough. She keeps telling him to "dig deeper". I find it hilarious. Jamin has found it frustrating. She has never really said, "good job"....always more like "when we ask a question we expect you to write fully on the topic". In Jamin's defense, I've NEVER used a formal writing program with any consistency. He's used to writing as concisely as possible for history etc. I haven't given them "story starters" or expected them to "write a sentence on...."...so this is all new to him to have them say "write a line from a teen magazine." This one perplexed us. He'd never READ a teen magazine. He took a stab at it, rather than going to find one to read to see what authors write like in teen magazines. She wasn't impressed and told him to research teen magazines. ::snort:: He's been online trying to understand "teen magazines" and told me tonight that he thinks I'm going to have to go buy a teen magazine or two because he isn't "getting it".

OK that's ALL background to say that it's been a bit disheartening to LOVE to write, and have this mentor telling you that you can't write a sentence to her satisfaction on a fairly routine basis. I think he was beginning to wonder what the critique service would say about his book. I was wondering.

We sent the first 6 pages of his book to their critique service. They remove your name and all personal info about you and the rater. They send back a critique that is very helpful and "unbiased". *I* feel like sending it on to his mentor! LOL I'm not sure where we go from here, but Jamin got his critique for the 6 pages of his book today. They were able to tell the category, the overview and such accurately. The person reading the script is not told if the author is a teen, part of the guild etc.

They told him to watch the details. They gave several examples where he didn't have them nailed...and we laughed. We've all read it and never caught these and they are SO obvious. I think he'll need some new eyes to read the story for him. They also talked to him about his "inappropriate interjection of the omniscient narrator" and that it destroyed the "illusion you've so ably built. It's as if Capt. Jack Sparrow were to lok at the audience from the movie screen and say "You and I both know I'm really an overpaid actor named Johnny Depp." ::snort:: I've told all the boys this repeatedly....and the reviewer got the point across so well "keep yourself out of your story!" I think they'll remember now! They also mentioned that he needs to watch his homonyms.

Those were the ONLY bad things they had to say. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the rest of the critique:

"Your writing has an excellent internal rhythm that is in keeping with your story. It flows naturally and gracefully."

"You've done an exceptional job of making your characters believable and likable with a minimum of words. Your style is spare and thoughtful. You make each word work for you to create a vivid picture in readers' imagination."

"You have tremendous potential as a writer and storyteller. I hope you'll continue with this story - it promises to be a good one - and keep working to hone the already sizable writing gift you have."

I had gotten him a book titled, *The First Five Pages: A Writer's Guide to Staying Out of the Rejection Pile* by Noah Lukeman. He used that to rewrite the first 6 pages over and over. He's in the process of reworking the entire 350+ pages this way.

We're still praying and researching the next step. I do believe that the program with the guild will be good for him. He needs to sharpen his skills and being told WHAT to write and WHEN is good for him. ::snort:: I told him this is what most writing programs are like....we simply haven't used programs. The book he has written is fantasy and really isn't Christian fantasy so I don't know that the guild will be a lot of help to him in finding a publisher. I don't think he's interested in "tacking in the gospel" to make it Christian....but the world view is Christian. LOL


Anonymous said...

Well done! I am very proud of you!


Anonymous said...

That's so awesome to have positive feedback! Keep writing Jamin!

De'Etta, Mike, you're raising up fine children! Way to go.{G}

Anonymous said...

Awesome Jamin!! How exciting to get such great feedback.


Renee said...

Way to go Jamin.
Instead of wasting his money and polluting his mind with teen magazines from the rack, how about something from Focus on the FAmily? I believe they have a teen magazine for both guys and one for gals. I also think Guideposts has one but it's focused on girls...

Kristine said...

Oh, De'Etta, this is wonderful, very exciting! I am encouraged by the positive things you've said about this program.

Cynthia said...

I hope he can concentrate on all of the positive things they had to say! Did you see the info I sent you on the writer's blog awhile back? That blog looked interesting although I didn't spend much time there.

becky.onelittle said...

Oh oh oh, Can I read it???? I could be a different set of eyes :) How exciting!

Lisa in Jax said...

Very Cool! What a blessing to have such positive feedback. Keep up the good work, Jamin!

Anonymous said...

Wow, way to go Jamin! How exciting to hear such positive comments:) Keep it up!

Jen in Az.

Jodi said...

Congratulations Jamin!

Debbie said...

Way to go, Jamin! I'm sure it is nice to hear some good things after some tough assignments.

Keep up the great work.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Becky....he's rewriting it section by section now....tightening the dialogue, checking details....and then I think you'd be a great one to be a new pair of eyes. LOL

He hasn't let many read it yet....he's very reserved about his writing...but he's letting Mike and I see peaks now. LOL We're seeing that he really does have potential....which is fun to see.

I have a line around here "It's your dream. Make it as big as you like. Chase the dream." Sometimes -I have panic moments and think "WHY DO YOU TELL THEM THAT???"....like Jared with Academy right now or this writing thing...but if it's their dream....there's no time like youth for dreaming big.

Anonymous said...

Dream BIG! and then go for it!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Well, Mike, sometimes I think my "dream big" thing is going to bite me in the bohunkus....I have moments of thinking "You are a high school graduate, homeschooler telling your children they can do WHAT?" ...but they keep dreaming and striving and hey who knows what is possible if you don't give it a shot....but still at times I think I'd be wise to change my motto from "it's your dream, make it as big as you want" to "dream safe".

Of course when I set goals they are ALWAYS bigger than I can reach and I'm shocked when I reach them....so really striving is good...but anyway....I'm to tired to be writing this a.m. I believe...another 4 hour night - Hey Lisa - SLEEP AND WATER IS FOR WIMPS! Let's UNITE!

Lisa in Jax said...

LOL You better believe it! I'm not sure what all these other people are doing wasting all that time on sleep. Don't they know it's the best part of the day?lolol

Cynthia said...

Lisa and DeEtta!

I always say that sleep is WAY over rated... I get a LOT done while everyone else is sleeping.. and what really gets me is when the family thinks they need to sleep on VACATION! Don't they know we can't "waste" time while on vacation? Glad to see that there are others out there who agree with my view!

Debbie said...

De'Etta, Lisa and Cynthia...You gals are a bit over the edge with that no sleep stuff.

Of course, I'm a certifiable night owl, but I like to sleep in a bit.

Dan has not been letting me get my nights worth of wonderful sleep.

Sure wish a could do with less sleep, but I get pretty ornery when my sleep bank is running low.

Anonymous said...

Sis: Probably will be ages before anyone reads this cuz I didn't see it before... You are more than right in the fact that young people (really when does youth end) just need to dream, dream and do their best to see the dreams happen. There are still times when Dad/I dream.

So Proud of Jamin and really we are looking forward to the day we can sit down and read his work. Especially since I get to see the stuff kids turn out in school etc. I KNOW JAMIN IS WAY BETTER AND MORE FOCUSED!!! I'm talking about students from low to high level classes.

Sleep! What is that??? I live for the day I can sleep late but it seldom happens cuz of my sleep patterns. BUT I totally love all I can get done when everyone else is sleeping. Just can't vacumne. :)
