Tuesday, December 19, 2006


~Josiah was told not to come to work. Chick Fil A was still without water. He took the everyone out to buy my gifts.

~I baked banana muffins. I meant to do bread too...but this boiling water thing for dishes slowed me down.

~My neighbor came down to visit a bit - that was fun. She brought down some Mary K products that arrived much sooner than expected.

~Josiah got called into work - the water was on.

~I went to Family Christian store to buy devotionals for everyone....they didn't have 4 of the ones I needed...and no dinosaur books at all. I came home and ordered them all at amazon.com where I'm guaranteed they'll be here in 2 days and I don't have to pay taxes.

~I went to Target to pick up bags to wrap a few items.

~I can't remember what else I did - but I was busy.

~We read two more chapters of Tabitha and Josiah came in while we read. Chick Fil A is closed down again - no water again. ARGH. This is really going to hurt those college students who have their paychecks budgeted to the penny.


Cynthia said...

sigh... I never did hear what caused the water problems.. or else I haven't read far enough back yet.

I'm glad ds was able to take the kiddos out shopping for a bit.

Anonymous said...


I've realized you have somehow learned to bend the space/time continuum, and are adding extra hours to your day. Please tell me, what's your secret?!?

What do I mean? From reading your blog & emails on SHS I have discovered that not only do you homeschool, ferry children about town, wrangle stubborn appliances, deal with electrical issues, cope with a lack of water, organize food co-ops, and cook most of your meals from scratch......somehow in the mids of all this.....you still find time to exercise, email the loop, post blog updates, and even READ!

Obviously, you aren't doing many of these personal activities when the kids are asleep, because it appears that Stacia never sleeps. LOL!

So really, what's your secret?

Lisa in Jax said...

lol Haven't you read my blog? Sleeping is for wimps. De'Etta has obviously come to the same conclusion and is using that time wisely as opposed to wasting it on needless sleep.lololol

AS you can tell, I'm in some sort of delusional fog created by anything but sleep.lololol

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

::snort:: You go Lisa - I agree - sleeping is for wimps! LOL

Honestly, I'm not sleeping a lot lately....and so I read, update the blog etc. Remember that I don't have a husband home to talk to when the kids are in bed and I AM waiting up for Josiah to get home from work most nights of the week (10:30 - 11:30 p.m.). Tonight - the littles are in bed, the three older boys drove to a friends house and really should be home any minute. I don't have TV, Mike isn't here to talk to.....you may see a decrease in reading, blogging, etc when the girls are home. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Cindy....I'll update in a different entry.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Wait - Jen a better answer would be...."I don't really do any of that stuff....I just take photos to look like we do????? or hmmm...I"ll see what else I can come up with.