Sunday, December 17, 2006

Plumb Tuckered Out
It isn't often we see THIS. He simply couldn't make it through two readings of Tabitha tonight. Note the "Narnia play station" in his arms - he loves that game.

While Cy was gone, the rest of us went for a night time walk around the area. It was a blast to be able to walk slowly (as slow as racing 4 year olds allow) and savor the lights.

After my 9 mile ride and then this 1.5 mile walk....I'm a bit stiff....


Anonymous said...

How sweet sleeping kids are, that is kids of all ages but especially the little ones.

Debbie said...

Side note...De' you have just a PlayStation of #2 or #3?

We have an ancient Super Nintendo and we have been thinking of getting the kids a newer system.

We would not do the ultra new, mega-expensive ones, but you can get PlayStations on ebay for inexpensively.

Heather said...

Precious little one. How adorable!

Jodi said...

That's so sweet.

My kids really love that game too.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Debbie - we have an ancient nintendo and a play station works fine. LOL We'll resist a newer one for a long time - I think.