Thursday, December 21, 2006

Red Cross Called

I received a call from a gentlemen identifying himself as being with the Red Cross. They are trying to locate the girls. Huh? I told him that the last I knew they were at a Red Cross Shelter in Casper. He was silent. I said, "Are YOU calling from the shelter?" Yes, he was. Weren't the girls THERE? No - they couldn't find them. They thought they must have decided to stay in a hotel. I told him that was highly unlikely. I told him that they told me they planned to stay there.

He said that the bus schedule had changed and that they want to try to leave at 6:30 a.m. instead of 3:30 p.m. I gave him their cell phone. I then called their cell phone and got an answering machine. I'm going to kill Bre when she gets here! ::snort:: We beg her to LEAVE THE THING ON when traveling but she doesn't like roaming charges. Anyway, I left a message that the center is trying to locate them to let them know they were leaving early. I'm sure the man did the same thing. I'm almost certain they connected with that friend of theirs and hopefully they are only out and will be back to sleep at the center. I'm thinking that I should have stressed to them to STAY WITH THE BUS!!!!! ::snort:: I also should have told them not to leave the shelter without being sure someone knew where they were. I'm not letting the rest of these children graduate until they pass "college travel 101" to my satisfaction!!!! ::snort::

It's too late to do anything else other than call their phone again and pray....but if some of you are night owls....that's the update.


Renee said...

Drats...praying here in GErmany.
Do you know the last name of their friend? Could you try to call there?

Renee said...

Hey I just noticed this entire page (outside of what I am typing) is in German.....
Did you do this DeEtta or is it only happening to me????

JenBin said...

Oh my!!! On the up side, Gillette isn't *that* big of a town!

Let us know when you get ahold of them....

JenBin said...

oops! Casper isn't that big, either....

Romany said...

praying, DeEtta

Cynthia said...

Wondering if you found them.... thinking not since you didn't give an update.... sigh... it's nearing the 6:30 mark now! Next time they'll know whether traveling by plane or bus or whatever... someone ALWAYS has to stay positioned to hear any travel changes.

As for the roaming charges... surely it doesn't cost anything to just leave the phone on right? And, they should be able to see who the call is coming in from and couldn't they just take it if they see it's you or a known #? Also, when we are traveling we always switch a couple of our phones to the nationwide plan.... we downsize our minutes, upgrade the plan, and end up without any additional since we typically only use our phones for emergencies or staying in touch at home when we travel... not like being at home where we use them all of the time. On our plan, we can go back to the original plan as long as we do it within 30 days and we've never been away from home that long so it's worked for us. Maybe something like that would work for them? Anyway... another thought for next time..

or is it possible that the battery went out since they have been gone a good length of time now?

Anonymous said...

SIS: Probably by now you have heard from the girls. Casper is where Vic & Tony Reichenbach are pastoring a OB church. IF you haven't heard from the girls yet give them a call, remind them who your parents are, and ask..... church (307)265-5278 and home (307)472-6458..Vic is from Billings etc.

SORRY I didn't sign on to the internet until just now. SO BUSY yesterday. I took Sherri to Nathaniel/Heather's to be with the kids while Dad/I went to the Eugene airport.... flight delayed until 12:50 a.m. Just coming from Fiji N had on shorts.... and it is cold here. Anyway got home and to bed by 2:15a.m., both slept till 3 1:30 a.m., woke up (both of us)at2:15a.m. and still can't get to sleep. Praying!

How exciting that today is the day they get home. Do we ever wish we were there. BUT then again it is nice that you have your immediate family all together and maybe that is just what is needed at this time..... No fussing with anyone else and just being able to do and etc all the special things you all do when even Mike is home.


Anonymous said...

Any news? I just read this. Praying for them to be home soon.

Yvonne said...

It's 8:43, praying they were found and are enroute once again... ~Yvonne

US said...

Bless Your Heart. I hope we hear some good news soon. I also hope you got a few hours of sleep. I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep much myself if I had read your blog before going to bed.