Wednesday, December 20, 2006


He has a nasty habit of {OK this is GROSS but stick with me and it's funny} picking his nose and eating it. This is so sick. Combined with his chewing of his finger; it's about to drive me batty.

I told him tonight, "Please, don't eat it - that's really gross."

He asked, "Why?"

I replied, "You'll get germs inside if you eat things like that."

To which he replied "This doesn't count, Mom!"
A bit later Stacia was attempting to eat her diaper creame. She has THAT habit.

Zander: "Stacia - don't eat that - its organanin!"

Mom: "What, Zander?"

Z - "Its ORGANANIN, it will have germs!"

Transaltion - it's organic - guess the germ content is higher??? LOL


Anonymous said...

He is a thinbker that Alexander! How he comes up with all these cute things is amazing.


Kristine said...

Eeww, I'm ignoring this (g), but I can't ignore your 33 degrees! BRRRR! That's just wrong in Texas, even if it is December!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Kristine - what if we get snow...what if the girls get stuck in Denver????? Do the buses make it through when the roads are being closed....ARGH. I don't think I'll read your blog again until the girls arrive.

Heather said...

rotflol, How funny! Alexander is such a smart boy! I feel for your situation with the weird eating, chewing habits your littles have. (You know I do!) Diaper cream, this is the natural stuff from the co-op right? Probably, won't hurt her then. Keep em comin' D, with my dh gone, every laugh helps!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Heather.....of course it was organic - all natural diaper cream!

Debbie said...

Your little man is such a funny guy. He really comes up with some good ones!