Thursday, March 08, 2007


I'm in the middle of cooking a turkey. I walked by the kitchen and heard a "pop" maybe one of the boys had shot off a nerf rocket....then all the lights from the oven went out. It won't turn on, nothing. The stove top elements still work.

Now what? First, we may have to eat out regardless of my new "don't eat out" policy. Second, I'll call and see if the by some twist of "fate" appliances are covered on our home warranty policy. Third, I better figure out if you can interupt cooking a turkey and finish it later.....


Heather said...

How long did you have the turkey in the oven? If you need to finish it, call me & you can bring it by here.
Our stove & almost all other appliances are covered on our home warranty, so I bet it is covered.
Let me know if you need help.

Diann said...

Oh, De'Etta, not a great end to a day in which you have not felt well either. I am not sure about the logistics of cooking the turkey. How long have you been in the house? I think it should be covered. That's what a home warranty is for, right?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

The turkey had cooked for 3 hours before the oven popped. It's in the fridge and we'll finish cooking it tomorrow night....I swear this turkey is JINXED! I got the flu and kept putting it the kids will have turkey alone while I am out tomorrow night with chapel staff spouses. LOL

I didn't get the warranty folks called yet....we've been in here 1 1/2 years....I can't remember if we kept appliances on it when we renewed....the dishwasher backed up too. ::snort::

Romany said...


As you know, this happened to us on Christmas Day.{g}

It was the element and cost us £30 to replace. Our deductable is £50 so no point in claiming from insurance.


Anonymous said...

Sis: Goodness you have been and are sure learning a lot of new things.

My brain is fried, can't think of anything to say, anyway everyone pretty much covered it all.
