Sunday, April 22, 2007

Saturday - A Whirl of Activity

Some days are a whirl of activity. We went 4 directions with 2 vehicles. Nothing more need be said....but most certainly something more will be said. ::snort::

I did go to Curves. The other owner got out her books and re talked the work-out with me. She's the middle ground between the first trainer (no change) and her mom (50% of max heart rate). I told her my heart rate is that fast when I'm simply sitting at the dinner table. Yes, we checked. She discovered that my heart rate should get no higher than 140 - which would be 75% of my max and so that is much more doable. She does want me to bring a thermometer to my workouts to check my temperature. ::snort::

I came home from Curves in time to give Mike and the younger ones hugs as they left for the day. I showered, dressed and drove Cy to work. I then went to Homeschool 101. Meanwhile, Mike took some kids to a birthday party, others to the park and bowling, all to lunch, and then to some big "Month of the Military Child" event on base. We all made it back home about 4:30.

Josiah, Mike, and I worked on his graduation slide show. Josiah decided he wants a photo of all the children with each new baby in his slide show. It's been pretty fun to watch the family grow. He is RIGHT that it's been a major focus of his life. We'll finish that up today.

Mike and I went out to eat. Then we drove to the lake and talked. Then we drove around the lake....

We got home and found this sight...

It was a fun but exhausting day. I woke up at 3 a.m. and can't get back to sleep. My last ditch effort at inducing sleep is to write a quick blog, then read more of the Trivium. That seems to work fairly well.


Kelly said...

She loves her binkie, doesn't she? I remember when I weaned Isaac from nursing. He was 17 months or so and I didn't want to tandem nurse again (although that was easier I found out lol).

Anyway, he went to bottles of water. He was 3 1/2 before he quit taking bottles of water to bed. I took them away and he cried for nights and nights, "That is my best friend...I want my best friend." LOL. It was so pathetic!

Sounds like you had a great day! I'm glad you got the Curves thing all worked out. I never learned anything about pregnancy and working out when I worked there. Now I know :)

Anonymous said...

When I did water aerobics w/my 1st pregnancy I had to wear a heart monitor,and they worried about my temp. too...Didn't want the fetus getting overheated.

The info. you're getting from Curves seems sound. How do you want to proceed? You know your body during pregnancy better than any other.

The graduation slideshow for Josiah sounds really neat. Will we get to see it on the blog? If it's too personal I respect and please disregard.

What a precious pic of Stacia.

Really glad you and Mike make time for each other. That's awesome!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Kelly - I need to get her to give this up.....slowly...she finds it when she's tired. LOL

Darshia - I'd not thought of putting the slide show on here because I don't know how to do the music with it...but I certainly could find a way to put the power point photos into that other slide show program and show them. We hope to finish this tonight and then I'll work on getting it onto the blog....maybe graduation week....or sooner....

Cynthia said...

Boy do I know the feeling of going in so many directions! I have 1/2 the kids you have so I can't fully imagine all that you juggle!

Debbie said...

What a cute picture. She sure loves her binkie (we called it a nukky).

Sounds like you had a full day.

Brian and I find it hard to get out alone. Bessie can watch the Littles, no problem, but we have a bit more trouble leaving G behind.

Kathy in WA said...

Interesting to watch/read your continuing dialogue with the Curves folks. Are you working out differently from what you did during your other pregnancies? Good for you for keeping such careful watch over everything. Tiring, isn't it.

Sweet picture of that little girl! How nice to go out for a date with your beloved.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Kathy - yep on all counts. LOL

I've never done circuit training before so this is all new for the pregnancy. I did do elliptical machines and such in other pregnancies.

The big fear is overheating...and really no one would BE concerned except for the dizziness and fainting...but with each pregnancy you ARE older too. LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

Whew. We're slowly taking the bottle from Isaac and it's been NO FUN!!! He's been miserable all day long until bedtime when we give him is only bottle of the day. UGH! I don't know how we'll take his thumb away.LOLOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


How old is Isaac? I feel like I need to wean her from the bottle...but when I nursed I nursed until at LEAST 2 and usually a bit really....I'm not sure why I think she shouldn't have a bottle...

Jodi said...

It's good that Curves is working with you so that you can keep working out and be safe. Phew you are busy!