Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Book Review: *Baby Catcher* by Peggy Vincent

 I've always been interested in midwifery. I thought it would be a fun career to pursue for myself, until I realized that it would not be conducive to the family life that we are called to. {G}

In this book Peggy shares her experiences as an OB nurse in hospitals, the director of an alternative birthing center in Berkely, a licensed independent midwife (private practice, mostly home births but with hospital privledges - ah the 80's), and finally as a midwife forced to work for a big HMO. This book is a fascinating look into the recent history of midwifery.

The book is basically one birth story after another. Some are beautiful, some are strange.....I bogged down in about the middle of the book and thought "Ok - enough birth stories already" but then I began to detect that there would shortly be a story line...and there was. I'm glad I stuck with it.

Peggy has lists and suppliers etc listed in the appendix. This is another on my Spring Reading Thing list.

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