Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!

Dear Arielle.......
Yes, the birthday goes on and on. We have been laughing that she's gotten presents every day since Sunday. We celebrated on Sunday, but we caught Krista by surprise so she gave Arielle a gift today.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Arielle!

Trish said...

Happy birthday, Arielle! (lucky girl ~ nothing like celebrating your birthday for 4 days!!)

Deja said...

Had to laugh about the ongoing birthday celebration...DH and I both have divorced and remarried parents...4 sets of grandparents! And a bunch of aunts and uncles for the kiddos. That often leads to just about every birthday along w/Christmas to be a celebration of "Arm(ourwholelastname)anukah". For us parents, it gets old after a week or so...but the KIDS LOVE getting gifts day after day after day ;-)

Anonymous said...


Goodness, you sure know how to have a nice LONG birthday. How much fun can that abe...... plenty!!

Keeps things surprising in the house etc.


Kristine said...

Happy Birthday to Arielle. I've always liked spreading birthdays out, even if they are someone else's birthday!

Romany said...

I hope she enjoyed the fuss and all the presents!


Kathy in WA said...

Nothing like a little joy to make every one smile! Birthdays are such special times. We like to spread them out as well. Takes life out of the mundane and makes it extraordinary (if only for a moment).

Indeed - Choosing Joy!!