Monday, June 11, 2007

Book Review: The Ministry of Motherhood, Ch 12

Chapter Twelve - Faith in the Spirit's Power

I'm going to go ahead and say it. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one who will think this when reading about the Clarkson's trouble with keys and four drivers...GET EACH PERSON THEIR OWN SET OF KEYS....trouble over. ::snort::

This is an excellent chapter.

"That's really the secret to the Christian life - to learn to yield our lives and our emotions and our actions moment by moment to him. This is what Galatians 5:16 means: "Walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.". page 129

I think so many of us are worn out in our Christian walk because we try to walk holy in our own strength. We are meant to walk by the spirit...not by our own grit! It's that yielding that is tough for us to do - but oh the joy of surrender.

Oh here, Sally says it better: "It can't be done on our own strength. I'm so thankful that I know the grace and forgiveness and freedom of trusting in the Holy Spirit to help me through each day. " page 130

"As a parent, this vine reality has two implications. First, I must do what I can to stay connected to Jesus at all costs. Only when he lives through me will I have the patience, love, faith, strength, perspective, and understanding I need to raise godly, faithful children. ....But the other side of this truth is that eventually my children must attach themselves to the Vine, not to me. Only the Lord can draw our children to himself. Only he can give salvation to our children. And only he can convict them of their sins. I can and must love my children, nurture them, comfort them, teach them. I can and must model for them what life as a "branch" looks like and show them the ways to stay "attached" through prayer, Bible reading, fellowship with other believers, and so on. But I cannot be their "vine," and I cannot play the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives." page 132


"My children must learn how to walk with the Lord without my help. But they won't be alone. As Jesus promised, the Holy Spirit will be with each of my children every step of the way." page 132

To restate:
"I can be God's agent for cultivating the hearts of my children; in fact, I'm supposed to fill that role. but only God can give them life, strength, and divine guidance. This means my Success in life or in motherhood or as a Christian is not dependent on my being perfect, but on my allowing God, in the Person of the Holy Spirit, to work through me to accomplish his purposes. ..." page 132.

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