Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Woohoo! We're getting it nailed down. We finished school. That's about it. I made BBQ meatballs and rice for dinner. I left it in the crockpot and rice steamer and left for Bible Study. Bible Study was fun. We're doing one of Carole Kent's "Becoming a Woman of Influence" studies: Six Keys to Lasting Friendship. I talked with the ladies about what we'd like to do next. We have two homeschoolers, two retirees, one student, a busy mom or two, two working moms: none of us want to tackle a really in-depth study like Precept Upon Precept or Beth Moore. It isn't where this group is. After study Debbie and Sherri talked with me about doing another in this series - and I think that's a good idea. That would give us another easy 6 week study....and get us to Christmas....then we'll buckle down and study a book of the Bible in January.

Jamin and I began working through the parent taught driver's ed that TX requires. We did school. That's it.

Thanks to Cindy for motivating me to catch this first film! ::grin::
Zander tries to write his name for the very first time!

Yikes- what's this about? Too much stress already? Ah - the rascally "e" is not cooperating

The finished project

Our Egyptian Snack -

I think they like MY bread better - this was salt, water, flour - no fat, no sugar, no yeastNo wonder the mummies had no teeth!Jamin, the valiant, joined us....his verdict is that the hummus is good but the bread - well....Stacia ends the night by inviting me to come sit with her! I think she may be about ready to train...


Renee said...

Does the pic accurately reflect the way Zander is holding the pencil while writing? That could make it harder for him to control the movement. Other ways to practice writing his name - chalk on the driveway, writing with his finger in pudding or shaving cream (not sure how he does with textures) or even sky writing (big movement of his arm). Now if you would just come to my house and do the "fun" stuff with my kids (baking, crafts, etc) I would be most grateful - I'm so not good at those things

Kelly said...

WooHoo....training is always great fun :::snort:::

Zander, way to go on writing your name!!!

Your day went good! Ours was good, too. I let the boys correct their own work. I wonder how that went lol......

We're having fishing/mowing school at the lake today :::snort::: I cannot pass up the sunny, 80* day!! I have "stuff" written in the book and that makes me feel stressed! But we're going anyway :)

Cynthia said...

I'm glad you captured Alex's first writing attempt! I can't really take credit for us capturing Nathan's... Emily is the one who ran for the camera when she saw me helping Nathan. And, you commented on my blog about how much the picture reminded you of Amanda and it SURE DOES!!! I had to go back and look at it again and I can't believe how I missed that. The same tilted head.. the same half serious smile, etc. Seems like yesterday we were teaching our OLDEST to write her name and now she's leaving home! SIGH..... Anyway! I had such limited time to post anything on the blog.. I'm glad what I picked to post was fun for you to see!

Anonymous said...


WOW! You did a good job on writing your name. Proud of you!

We love you tons and keep praying for you too.


Anonymous said...


Stacia is always cute in everything she does. Just wait until she is learning to write her name. :):)

Glad your day went pretty good.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yep - that's the way he was holding it - no matter how I showed him differently....he has lots of sensory issues and I didn't want to push it....but we'll work on it. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I'm glad you agreed about Nathan and Amanda - I worried after I posted that maybe my memory was totally wrong and it was Emily. ::snort:: I can remember Amanda learning to write - and the hours of paper dolls.....

Deja said...

FWIW, Ellie has her own way of holding the pencil...and her own unique style of writing...after 2 years, she still seems to think that she knows the BEST way to write her letters...since she and Alex are cut from similar molds, I thought I'd share that w/you. When it comes to teaching Ellie things...I carefully select my battles LOL.

Debbie said...

What a precious moment...I always think of things too late!

I don't know how I missed a few days on your blog...life is getting away from me these days.

I just love all the photos of your school days.

Lisa in Jax said...

Poor, poor Genevieve. She won't let her name be shortened and she can't remember that many letters all at once.lol

Cynthia said...

Yep.. your memory was right. It was Amanda and she DID have that very same look! I also remember our older girls playing paper dolls while waiting for piano lessons!

Jodi said...

Go Zander, good job! Those E's are pesky aren't they. Very cute.

Tristan still sometimes writes his S's backwards, he did at co-op, not sure if there is a rule about that. LOL

The Egyptian bread looks...hard! We love Hummus here and use it daily but with softer bread, LOL.