Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket *The Potluck Club Takes the Cake* by Shepherd and Everson

This series has won me over. I find myself waiting for the next one to be released. ::snort:: I still don't enjoy it as much as the Yada Yada girls....but I feel like the characters are becoming more real as the series goes along. I wish they could do that in the FIRST book. LOL

In this book we are treated to shocking rumors, family secrets, a mountain avalance and more hijinks from Lisa Leanne and Evie. Yes....Evie finally weds.

*In Plain Sight by Lorena McCourtney*

This is my favorite new mystery series. Our heroine is a "scrawney LOL (little old lady) who has reached the generation of invisibility". Ivy Malone: a spunky widow with an unquenchable curiosity.

In this adventure Ivy is hiding out in the Ozarks with her neice. Her three month stay in a small Arkansas town turns to be full of adventure and intersting new characters. Many of the characters from the first book manage to find Ivy's hide out and make cameo appearances in this book.

These are both part of my fall reading list.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Emily said...

As soon as I finish all the Karen Kingsbury books I will check these out!

Kristine said...

Well. My new library does not carry Yada Yada, nor does it carry The Potluck Club. At least it has that cookie baker in Michigan though . . .