Wednesday, November 14, 2007

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When our Alaskan PFD (oil money) arrived we were able to purchase the rest of our books for TOG. Wow - ordering off season is great. We ordered on the 7th. They shipped our order on the 7th and it arrived the day after the holiday weekend.

Time is of the essence during this season of my life and Mike suggested I go ahead and buy all the books I needed to go with the redesign. (I'd used the library extensively our first time through). Here are the books for Year 1 - until 2 - 4 that we didn't already own.
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We've not had ALL the books we need for a school year on our shelves since we left Sonlight years ago. This is really exciting for us. We'll continue to use the library. We LOVE our library... I didn't buy all the Lower Grammar books. I did buy all the Rhetoric and Dialectic. Those are my children that run ahead of us. This way I can have confidence that they are reading books that have been carefully selected - rather than a book that was the ONLY book on the Ancient Celts that I could find.

I was surprised at how eager Jared and Jamin were to see these books.
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Until I saw the titles were "Warfare of the Classical World" and "Ancient Greek War and Weapons". Both say these are just what they need to research for the books they are writing.

Glad to be of service guys, just remember you WANTED these books when you are up to your eyebrows in reports and charts. ::snort::
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Jodi said...

That's great! Too funny about the boys excitement about the books and then you noticed the titles/subjects.

Lisa in Jax said...

Whoohoo! LOVE book boxes!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Well - delight driven? LOL Now - I have to figure out WHERE to put the books!!!!!!

Michelle said...

De'Etta, how exciting! I find it to be a HUGE blessing to have the books already on our shelves at home.

What a delightful dilemma....finding room for more books. :::grin:::

Debbie said...

Oh, I remember our SL years. We also were able to purchase all the books. Our budget doesn't allow that now, but I do love it when we do order some.

I was going to comment on "where do you put them all!". We have totally run out of space for books. I have resorted to boxing some up. That makes me sad.

Renee said...

How exciting DeEtta. I love having all the Rhetoric and Dialetic books on my shelves for TOG year 1. Like you I didn't order all of the Grammar level books - they're just not as necessary to our family

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Michelle - I can't fit another book shelf into this house....I have stacks of books in front of our "school shelf" now....I need to figure this out this weekend. LOL

It IS a blessing - and I'm very thankful!