Friday, February 01, 2008

Jared's Highlights

Photobucket Jared has found armadillos, rattlers, strange looking fish...all while running. Today he found a big black, boar with tusk. He ran home for my camera. It was dead. I'm not going to post the photos...but we're all wondering HOW it got here. I didn't know they ran wild this near residential areas. Josiah and I think a hunter is using that field for a dumping spot. I don't know.

Jared is a guest writer on Jamin's blog tonight. He posted a short story. It's a C.S. Lewis type story. I may have another budding author in the house. He's also been writing a book.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1 comment:

Jodi said...

It must be so interesting to ome across all that wildlife on his runs.

Another potential writer? Maybe we'll have your last name on our shelves some day!