Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Tuesday I thought about United Co-op....then I thought about Produce co-op. I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about what is working and what isn't working. I called another produce co-op coordinator and chatted about how she runs her co-op. On the weeks when ours is too low to order, I may order from her. I know I need produce. I've made some decisions.

I wasn't sure that I was saving enough to make running the co-op worth my time and effort on weeks when I can't take any free produce. We didn't have co-op last week. I went to buy some pink ladies and they were $2.99 a LB....I get them for .99 a LB......I coudln't buy any....but by today...I had to buy something......

This bakers rack is usually full of baskets of produce, pineapples on the racks, oranges on my counter....and we are down to either fridge, or on the bakers rack.... The compost heap was starting to look tasty. It was time to cave and go to Sam's Club. This family would not make it until Friday. I have heard several times, "I can pick it up at Sam's cheaper than $28 ". I got this.....
ONLY this......a bag of gala apples (they aren't Pink Ladies), a 10# bag of navels, 3 lbs of bananas (6), 2.5 lbs of grapes and 3 cucumbers.... $25!!!! I only pay $28 for a basket full at co-op (veggies, lettuce MORE). It's worth it. I've been restructuring.

I think a single share is too big for most families. It was built on the premise of 5 servings each, for 4 people, every 140 servings max. It's had about 100 - 140 servings, but we hear over and over that it's too much. SO.....we are going to restructure....make the single share more in keeping with what I guess a normal family eats. Now WE aim for 10 - 13 servings a I would think 5 a day doable....but it appears it is still more than most families eat in a day. I will ADMIT that I got very sick of lettuce a few weeks ago. I thought I would die if I had to eat another salad. Being out of all greens this week has cured me of that. ::snort::

I'm revising our brochure and FAQ and then will send out an email to all whose emails I have who have EVER belonged to produce co-op. Just letting them know what we are doing. It may work for some and they may come back. If not, I have three plan B's of what to do at the end of May. ::snort::

I also took care of some PWOC things.....ordered some door prizes for our tea ::shhhh::: (Thanks again, Trish), sent in numbers and announcements to the chapel, thought about what to get for dinner on Friday night Project night, tried to come up with a date for our board planning retreat....just things.

We did school.

I went to the gym. Yep - whipping my bohonkus - I hope it shows some results. ::snort::

I took Jared to meet with the personal trainer at the gym. While he did that the littles and I ran to the library (got the "new" Grisham book - finally) and Sam's Club.

A full day.



Stephanie said...

Pink Lady's!! I love Pink Lady's! I may be interested in a smaller coop again...

I am interested in the United Food thing though. Can you shoot me a quick email with any details I may need to know? I know you are busy, but I would greatly appreciate it!

Linda said...

What seems to be the biggest concern for us is that my son and I are the BIGGEST fruit/veggie husband falls on the weak side, and my daughter doesn't like a lot of the "normal" fruit (apples, grapes, etc) but likes exotic fruit. We had a LOT of waste because things went bad before we could eat it all.

As hokey as they sound, I ended up buying the "green bags" advertised on television. And oddly enough, they DO work. I can keep a huge bunch of grapes for 2-3 weeks (meaning I can buy more than 1 lb at a time). Even bananas, which go FAST in my house, always seem to have a few that would go "too brown" for my family. And since we're always dieting, banana bread or muffins are not high on our list. But the green bags keep them yellow and fresh for over a week. You might want to suggest that to some families if they use the "goes bad before I can use it" excuse.

And no, I don't get paid by Green Bags to sell their product...though I should, as much as I talk them up!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Linda - green bags - thanks for the tip! Yes, you have to be a family that is willing to try various items - or give them away - in order to make a co-op work. We have learned to eat many new things that I had NEVER bought in the store on my own....I tended to buy the 5 or 6 things we liked well. I'd NEVER cooked with fresh green beans or asparagus. LOL Sodium laced canned was what I used. We've come a long way....and I still have NOT purchased OKRA. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Stephanie..... I sent United info before but you were moving. I'll send you the newbie letter and the order dates today for United.

I'll try to remember to send you the updated FAQ and brochure, email from produce company when I get it done.

Still wrestling with a slogan that speaks to quality, sales, convenience....

Kristine said...

Have to comment on the fruit/veggies. I think we pay a little more for produce here in and around Stickville, even at Walmart. (The Walmart prices in Roanoke ARE cheaper for various items.)

Even so, at my Walmart, I would expect to pay:

grapes $1.50/lb. =$4.50
bananas $.50/lb. = $3
cukes $1 each = $3
10# bag oranges ??
bag of Galas ?? 3#, surely less than $3?

That would mean the oranges are >$10. Sam's Club is hard for me, their prices often don't beat regular grocery sales prices... But it really depends on what I buy (like bottled water, coffee).

I've been making even more of an effort to buy produce on sale, working it into our menu. If it's not on sale, we often just skip it.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL Kristine!

We must have you beat for prices.

Our grapes are 2.28 a lb and there were 3 lbs (that are now gone)

The gala's were 1.18 a lb and the price of the bag was 5.88 (over 1/2 gone).

The cucumbers were 3.68

Oranges were $8 - 10 lb bag.

Hope that helps your price comparisons. LOL I know our prices are higher than some spots and quite a bit lower than others (AK).

Debbie said...

We don't eat nearly enough fresh stuff, but it is so hard with so many (you know that). The Littles will eat most fruits, but are picky about veggies. Gabe is hit or miss depending on his mood. I am sort of picky, but like enough variety. Brian is allergic to most fresh fruit, but loves veggies. Bessie can and will eat anything fresh.

We stick to the usuals, bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, berries when we can get them and salad stuff. I know we should do better.

You are doing great with your workouts...keep it up!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Debbie - your conc is what I need to remember for our newly restructured co-op

"staples and salad fixins". LOL