Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It was my turn today....

at the dentist. After YEARS of not numbing, I've learned to tell them that I'm a slow number. WOW....it took multiple shots, but I got numb today. In fact an hour and a half after leaving the dentist I noticed my forehead, both ears, my whole FACE was numb. Now, at 9:09 p.m. My chin and bottom lip are still numb. ::snort:: I really liked this new dentist. I wish I had met him 4 years ago. He even plays KLove.

Our other big news is that the younger 3 students finished TOG (our core curriculum) today. Jared should be done within a week. We will spend the rest of the week on Japan and Passover.

Arielle has an infected finger. The docs said to bring her in tomorrow. It's green around the nail. Tonight at Bible Study two ladies (Betsy and Roxanne) were talking about a salve from Pennsylvania. Betsy gave me some. I put it on Arielle and we're hoping it will draw out all the gunk during the night. Betsy, Arielle said she wasn't sure she liked the stuff...and I told her the option is the doctor and/or lancing. ::snort:: She decided the smell wasn't bad at all.

Tonight was Bible Study. It was a sweet group....a fun group....lots of laughter which is NICE after the Inspection Prep.... I even figured out a tie in between the infamous shopping post and our study....El Shaddai....go do the word study.

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.


Renee said...

I learned about 15 yrs ago to ask for extra novacaine. I see no reason to suffer in unnecessary pain

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...
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DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Renee, I wasn't aware that my experience at the dentist was unusual. THEN I had a toe nail removed and had my first baby and both docs said you need to remember to tell dentists and docs that you are slow to numb.

However...but lips are STILL slightly numb this a.m. LOL

Renee said...

WOW... never had it last that long

Cynthia said...

I'm slow to numb as well.... in fact, sometimes I "flinch" a little even if I don't really feel something so they'll be sure to give me enough (LOL).