Friday, May 08, 2009

Books, books, books.....and more books

Our moving funny of the day has to do with books. I stepped into the shower. I knew a friend was coming to pick up the ceiling jack thingy. She had said she'd like to take all my homeschooling books and get them to the freebie table at Mom's Night Out. I forgot to mention that to Jared. He gave her a stack of books that were on the table when she asked.... They were ones I'd just listed into Paperback Swap (link in sidebar I think). Instead of Easy Grammar she got Ted Dekker, Redwall, Jill Churchill... I've been laughing all day at the style of homesechooling she must have thought we did. ::snort:: Taking the books to MNO on the 18th will ensure that I make it....Bre flies in that day too...but I really do want to make it to one more Mom's Night Out before we move.

OK - books.....I have listed 58 books on my bookshelf at Paperback Swap. If you are a member, feel free to check them out. Some are new or review books. Some are ones that I got through PBS and are, therefore, older. What isn't claimed "soon" will soon be taken to Goodwill or donated to our library. My buddy name on PBS is De'Etta G.

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.

~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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