Friday, April 30, 2010

Roses in Afghanistan - Michael

These roses have been working on blooming for quite a while. It has been this week, with a little help from the rain, that they have come out in force. It is such a stark contrast to the all-business nature of the rest of the camp. Kind of makes you want to stay awhile - you know, I think I will stay awhile. :)

These roses are on the opposite side of my billeting building. The chapel is directly behind the vantage point of the top pic.

Blessings - Michael

Choosing Joy!

©2010 D.R.G.

~Coram Deo~

Living all of life before the face of God...
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Cynthia said...


Renee said...

How wonderful that someone thought to add roses... our military needs something beautiful when on a mission

Anonymous said...

Sis: Great pictures and beautiful roses. Mom

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Michael - what great photos. I'm glad you've got a touch of beauty in the midst of the - well sort of drab, isn't it? ::grin::

Mom - these are from Michael.

Michael said...

They are pretty aren't they. They remind me of you.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Sweet! Would you get shot if you got one and dried it for me? ::snort:: Guess it would be hard to get it back here. We tried to bring some cherry blossoms home....we were going to dry them and send them to you...but they were ugly when they got home.