Thursday, September 02, 2010

Just in Case You were Wondering - Michael

I would have thought that this has something to do with "folklore," but I am, apparently, incorrect on this.  This must be a special kind of a dance. I am wondering if forks are actually used in the dance, and if yes, I am wondering if somehow the "lors" have something to do with the forks or perhaps come to a bad end because of the forks.  Maybe if I am not doing anything one of these Friday evenings, I will have to check it out.  Then again, I am not sure I could handle seeing a Greek "lor" or any other nationality of "lor" get forked irregardless of whether it was done in connection with a dance.  

Maybe more to come, maybe...

Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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