Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wonderful Day

Wonderful Day.  Busy planning surprises! I think all will be totally surprised....we shall see. 

I've told the kids that Michael will be home  Wednesday or Thursday.  

We made Death by Chocolate, Michael's favorite,  and have it in the freezer. I made a zillion Chocolate Chip cookies. Stacia actually made "Cookies for the C family" - she'd been asking when we would get the "C cooking" done. 

We also  took a plate to a friend whose dh deployed yesterday. We froze quite a few for snacks during the next two weeks - dreaming about  fun family day trips. 

I've told the kids I want to go to the 0800 service tomorrow so we can go to Towada horse park after church. I put a roast in tonight "so we can eat right after church and head out".  I discovered I'm out of have set the scene to run an errand after 0800 service and meet them at Sunday School.....I think we're set for the grand surprise.  If you've not a clue what I'm talking about, check back tomorrow afternoon. 

Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Renee said...

this sounds exciting; can't wait to see pics

Herding Grasshoppers said...

I'm reading between the lines ;D

Wish I could be there to see the kids' reaction... can't wait for pictures and story!
