It was a historic night for many reasons. Many are aware that Pastor Wayne Corderio from Hawaii has moved to Eugene, OR and is the President/Chancellor of New Hope Christian College...which was Eugene Bible College until this fall. This was the first graduating class since the change....that is historic.
Attending were two friends of my parents: Walt and Jim. Both of these men had gone to Eugene Bible College with my folks - when I was the campus baby. ::snort:: They drove down from Portland, OR and it truly was a special time, lending generational legacy to the event.....beyond Michael and I watching our first two children graduate from our alma mater. Both of these men had been in Portland when Michael was in seminary and Bre and Krista were toddlers.
It was surreal to sit in the auditorium next to Michael and watch the baby I held in my lap 25 years ago as he graduated - walk across the stage. Mike and I took some time before the ceremony remembering....and thanking God for all He has done in our lives in the past 25 years. Good times and bad times but always HIS time! Our little family of 3 has grown to 11. We're nearing the end of a career in the military, amazed at the ministry He has entrusted to us, looking forward to a few more decades of ministry as He leads.
We are proud of the work God has done in our family and in these two girls. Many of you have followed Krista's (left) battle with dyslexia. God has built great character and strength in her through that struggle. I watched and cheered with tears as her latest "unrealistic goal" was realized. She graduated Summa Cum of three. Who would have guessed but God - and of course her Mom and Dad knew she could do it....but you know....
Bre (right) is that baby from 25 years ago. She's always been methodical and organized and has left her Mom wondering at God's grace and wishing to live up to the admiration of such a gal. Bre not only graduated Suma Cum Laude, but class valedictorian. She did not have a cum GPA of 4.0 and learned over her college career her worth is in GOD and not in her performance. She learned to strive for excellence rather than perfection. We all think 3.98 is close enough to perfection....and she took 26 credit hours one term in order to finish this spring. Wow.
Grades and diplomas are nice validation, but more than anything I'm in awe at the work of Grace in the lives of these two. They love God wholeheartedly. They seek intimacy with Him above all else. We are excited to see where God will lead them in the next 25 years. As some have asked:
Krista graduated with a degree in Intercultural Ministries. She's been fixed on missions for quite some years, it has to be all the great Sonlight Missionary Biographies. She will leave on May 16th to spend 3 months in Turkey. This will allow her to live alone in a foreign country and test her passions. You can note info about her summer at the top of the blog. She is contemplating taking further studies in midwifery to open doors of service in closed countries.
Bre (here receiving her double braids for GPA by Dr. Larry Burke one of OUR professors 25 years ago) graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Counseling. She tells us this will not get her anywhere and she needs at least a masters to get a job in the field of counseling and social work. She plans to take a year and get her finances in order, serve at her local church and pray about starting that next step.....
We aren't quite sure how God is going to orchestrate the details of either of our daughters...but we've taught them as they follow Him wholeheartedly day by day they can be sure they'll be just where He plans them to be. We look forward to watching their adventures, as we live our own faith adventure.
In the above photo President Jeff Farmer (of Open Bible Churches) and Pastor Gary Emery (MY youth pastor and currently the Pacific Regional Executive Director of Open Bible churches) award and introduce the newest three licensed ministers from the 2011 graduating class of New Hope Christian College. (There were more in the class).
Pastor Wayne awards diplomas, poses for photos, and accepts rubber gloves from each student - because "Ministry is messy".
I had to share it - though it's blurry - like I said we'll get clear, professional shots from the school - I hope.
How did we not notice Stacia and Zander were missing?
Our family (minus the youngest 2), my parents and our niece Nadia and nephew Mikhail
Walt (Uncle Olie) graduate from the first EBC class (after it changed from BSC), knew me when I was the campus baby and knew us when Bre and Krista were babies in Portland.
Zander liked playing on the court opposite the receiving line....and made it into one photo. We should have taken a sister photo - ah well.
As I was in a "remember when" mood, I had to snatch this photo of this years campus baby and the campus baby 25 years ago....and the 3 Summa Cum Laude graduates.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
1 comment:
Oh De'Etta, that brings tears to my eyes! Congratulations to the girls and to you and Mike... well done!
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