Ran into some old friends there also. Ch T from my TDY to Mountain Home AFB nearly 20 years ago is doing great. He is getting very close to retiring, but he is full of life and fun as always. I met Ch S in Hungary 13 years ago when I relieved him as the installation chaplain. We met again when I replaced him as the Senior Protestant Chaplain at Goodfellow AFB. I met up with Ch H as well, but I do not have a photo of him. We met him at our first base, Malmstrom. It was a lot of fun to see them all and to reminisce.
I also had a little bit of free time that I invested into a stroll up the road to see the state capitol building. It was very ornate inside, and it had a bit of history on the outside. The interior had very high ceilings and a great deal of art work, statues and inscriptions. One of the statues was the late John C Calhoun. He served as the Vice President to two of our early presidents. I have a good friend who is a direct descendant of his. The separate house and senate chambers were also very ornate.
From here, I began the journey down to Tallahassee and Melobourne FL see more friends, but I will add this in my next post..
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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