Ever had a day which tried to get away from you but ended up holding several unexpected blessings?
Today was that day.
I have firm boundaries in place for time spent on PWOC....I began the day using most that time in one chunk.....I had a great workout. Everyone continues to enjoy the changes we made in school. The younger two now LOVE school and ask to read to me any time I sit down.
I had been praying about a service project I could get Zander and Stacia involved in. Last night (or way early this a.m. - the sun rises near 4 a.m. I think), I hit on an idea and we had a grand time zipping out after most of school was done to do our deed. We also ran to buy Bre's airplane ticket. Our little blond charmer always seems to bring me luck at the airport and I got another "very special discount" for Bre to fly home from Tokyo.
We came home, did a bit more school at the children' s request - certainly a blessing. I'd forgotten about Arielle's small group so she and I rushed out. Our conversations in transit were a blessing. I had an hour to run to a friend's and visit with her as she baked bread. A treasure.
Mike had to drive to Shirika - on the Western side of Honshu as there had been an American casualty and they requested a team to conduct a memorial service. The station was right on the Sea of Japan and he brought me home three bright green pieces of sea glass. My first from the Sea of Japan - a blessing.
We decided to go for a family walk after dinner clean up - it's been a long winter and the nearly perfect weather is welcome!!!!
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
"Our little blond charmer always seems to bring me luck at the airport"--This made me smile :-) Japanese people LOVE blond hair. But I think Stacia could charm anyone!
It's a winning combination...though I think the "cute factor" will lessen as she's growing so fast....and isn't the "darling 3 yo" size any longer. LOL
Someone told me this week she looked like 7 - I think she is going to be really tall....she's 5....6 in August.
glad you had a good day. Sea Glass is so beautiful. l/p Mom T.
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