Tuesday was the first Drop-In Study. We haven't usually had summer studies and were thrilled for 32 participants.
I rushed from Bible Study to the Parish Advisory Council meeting.
The next stop of the day was the airport where we had to say goodbye to the BA family. Rick is a chaplain whose ministry has consistently blessed his squadrons and his service (as well as his fellow staffers). Ricky is a doll with a smile that lights up a room. Renee has been my pedicure/ministry/travel/accountability/onsen partner for the past two years. I'm sad our time together is over. I could rail against military life or realize we'd never have met if our husbands weren't military chaplains assigned in Misawa. I choose joy....and I pray for my dear friend and her family as they move. The fact that so many hearts are feeling a bit bruised is a testament to the lovely friendship Renee offered so many.
We've explored Japan together....
She's a pretty good parade dancer....
Wonderful train partner
Served together on the PWOC Asia Region board
We shared many chapel projects, brainstormed women's ministry ideas ...
and planned a few retreats together....I spoke at a couple of them, she at the last one and we were blessed!
I treasure our friendship. I strive to extend to others the gracious friendship Renee extended to me. It was a joy to connect on so many different levels. I know God has rich blessings for the BA family and they will continue to bless every chapel community in which they are called to live.
Until we meet again....Godspeed!
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
No homework sounds like a great idea for the summer!
I love it as it gives me the freedom to spend as much time as I want on my life journaling and "soaping". I really like simply digging into the word and sharing it with other women - but most seem to want 5 days of homework and videos these days....This group has been great about offering a bit of everything....
Im sorry, Mom. Goodbyes are no fun. But you are right....the goodbyes are worth the hellos.
Bre G
I raised you well, my girl.
praying you and your family will be blessed/blessing and praying your friends family will be blessed/blessing also. Friends are friends forever. love/prayers - Mom T.
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