I left on the 22nd and returned on the 26th - late. Here are a few shots of the week.
The Regional Board and International Trainers arrived on Wed. We spent Thursday in meetings (of all sorts - trainers, boards, WILD prep), finished up WILD details and made beds......still wondering if anyone cared that the back side was NOT tucked in and if we have a definitive answers on which end the pillow should be on........Alicia and I had a good laugh over our different reasoning. I figured the pillows should be close so they could talk....she figured they should be far apart for privacy. Lauren figured the pillow should be by the ladder - not sure WHY and I figured it should be far from the ladder so your feet don't go over your pillow space....who knows? It was fun - guess you had to be there.
International sends 5 trainers to each WILD. We were blessed to have Alicia, Deb and Audrey....
As well as Lauren and myself for trainers.
Our Regional Team - Lauren (Admin Coordinator), myself and Rachelle (training Coordinator)
Juliet and Belenda (Conference Coordinators)
I missed Renee (prayer coordinator) who has moved from Asia....and we are almost ready to announce a Leadership Selection Chair.
Ch Pace has been a god-send for Asia Region. We are going to miss him. I, personally, am going to miss his wise mentoring and encouragement - and the fun way in which he dispenses it.
He's moving and here, in the way we are known to relate, I make a serious presentation and thank him for his leadership in the past 18 months.
It's always fun to have ladies from Misawa at these events! Friendly faces from home!
Matching glasses and ipad cover - only as old as you feel! Posing as a Megan ::snort::
During commissioning we prayed with each board.
A region in one room! God is GOOD.
Next step - regional conference in November...where the baton of leadership will pass to a new board.
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
YEA! How exciting :)
A humbling, exhilarating weekend.
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