Girls Weekend.....
Due to Typhoon #15 or Typhoon Roke (depending on which media you are watching) the Express way to Tokyo was covered in mudslides. We had to take a "small detour".....
This was the view on our 6 hour detour....we inched along...the great thing about this is no one got motion sick. Instead of arriving at 3:30 p.m. we arrived at 9:30 p.m. We finally arrived in....
I LOVE this city. I find more to enjoy each time we go. Two local friends, Twyla and Kristen, were on this trip too....and the P family from was a fun time. It was filled with friend time, family time...
We found adventures.....
We did our nails, watched movies and ate chocolate.....
We swam....
We played tourists.
We RULED the subway system! (I did not take this photo)
We Shopped.....picked up Christmas gifts...
I found myself more aware of spiritual undercurrents on this visit and spent quite a bit of time in prayer. More stories and photos later. Tonight - bed.
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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