This morning the kids and I went over to reconnect with dear San Angelo Friends. We drove into the driveway and Zander commented, "Wow - THEY'VE really grown!" ::snort:: There seems to be a lot of that going around. Four sets of our kids were friends when we lived here. Deja and I did a couple of co-ops together and homeschooled, shared the same OB...that sort of friendship. She even got Nolan involved in the Nutcracker one year. LOL Doug coached Jared's basketball team....and Jamin coached basketball WITH Doug for a year or so. It was GOOD to reconnect and to meet the newest E.
Zander and Everson |
Erik, Nolan, Arielle, Emma (back), Ellie and Stacia |
Love Mr. E...what a jolly baby |
We raced off to meet the boys for lunch. We spent an hour visiting and then they needed to run some errands and work.
We went to Walmart! ACK - overstimulated! I left with a WORD all the choices are simply befuddling. We found it funny to find some of the same clerks. I visited the ATM and Nolan visited the barber....not our best selection. It will grow back...for now I need to find some scissors and even it up. LOL
I was VERY tempted WILD and WARM on planes..... |
Stacia was much more captivated with THIS - we bought |
Jamin came over for dinner. Josiah went to work. We went to Logans. Eating our way through San Angelo. LOL
Stacia is full of love hugs at dinner |
Games back at the house |
On our way back to the hotel I ended up at our OLD HOME.....a strange mix of emotions...a couple of kids asking why we can't move back HERE...... Ah - memories. I realized we've not gone back to a lot of our previous assignments.
Our friends are still in the neighborhood |
We LOVED to take December eve walks in this hood |
It was a full day....a fun day...we are looking forward to the rest of the family joining us soon. We're also looking forward to catching up with other friends in the next few days and fitting as much time in with these friends as we can. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Certainly brings back memories for me too. When we moved to SA, you were already here. Now you're gone, and we're still here!
Sis: Always loved the times we got to return to places here/there and to meet folks we had known here/there. Often meeting back up with friends was not in the same places we knew them........ we sure have a lot of traveling friends.
Strange, isn't it Lois? Looking forward to seeing you soon.
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