I went to the commissary.
I had a nice, beneficial Skype with Asia's Chaplain Advisor.
Created a new family favorite for dinner. Go figure. Desperate times.
I continue to learn how to care for, feed and keep warm a sourdough starter. I've made several batches of sourdough English muffins and I think it has become our bread of choice. All I know is I have to make them at least once a day. I keep upping production to get some in the freezer.
I've realized my kitchen is too cool so it is common to find jars of sourdough starter and souring dough in the living room. ::snort::
This year (and you know the year is new but it's working for us!) we have decided to read through the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs as a family. This is very doable with the ages of our children. It's proven to be fun....and inspirational.
Focus, FOCUS.... |
Last night Michael, Stacia and I took Yuuki for a starlit, snowy walk.....unfortunately she clued right in on a neighbor's house with a yapper dog and lunged on the leash. She twirled me around and I landed spread eagle on the snow-covered ice. One arm stretched to the left still grasping Yuuki as she barked at their door, one arm/shoulder broke the fall....landed on the arm/wrist/shoulder and knee...OUCH. Women of certain ages are not meant to bounce around off snow-covered ice as if they were 6 yo males. I'm sore.
Immediately after this I got to name an "ugly beauty". I got to give thanks that I did NOT break anything and could walk home under my own power. ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Test comment.
Okay, sorry about that. Commented before and lost it.
Can you share some more about your gratitude journal? I love the idea!
1) Is it an actual journal/notebook? A new one you picked out for the family?
2) Will you write in it daily/weekly/whenever the mood strikes?
3) Who writes in it? You? Kids? Anyone? Does everyone participate or just whomever wishes to?
4) What sorts of things? General thanksgiving? Thoughts relating to the day?
Thank you! You know I love learning from your precious, Jesus loving family!!
Yes, an actual journal. I had had it years ago as a "guest book" but that habit never really took off....so we are using it for our gratitude journal.
It would be more appropriate at this point to say it is a list kept in a journal. In other words, during family circle we all share at least ONE thing we are thankful for. This sparks lots of great conversations...helps us know when someone has had a bad day too. WE make a list.
I love the idea of a journal where I would write something and then ask a question and pass it to a child....and I think we'll do that soon....but for now...this was our start. LOL
Are you still keeping your personal journals for your daughters?
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