Abba, Daddy God, has already been meeting, encouraging, challenging, motivating me around the word for the year. In theology speak it would be "sanctuary" De'Etta speak God has been sharing with me about a "secret place" or "secrecy".....
No, I hadn't. It took a dear prayer warrior and three weeks before I was ready to say, "OK - show me a verse". I got the water in the desert and my plans aren't your plans verses (as I studied the SERMON ON THE MOUNT with Precept). Those are always trouble. Each verse also had a promise of joy - and going forth with dancing and shouting. God began to give me glimmers of vision for another couple of year's of service...BUT I was MOVING in 6 months....I couldn't get away from it and submitted an "application" and decided the selection team would hear from God...I just had to obey. I told them we were scheduled to leave in July 2012....but we'd asked for an extension. They selected me. I cried, I really, really , really was simply hard. I wanted to hide and God was requiring more leadership. But the verses assured me there would be joy!
I left for 4 weeks of travel in the states....God lovingly began to speak to me...Sweetly...dearly....You can read more about this time in the post - Hidden Treasures/Rest. There has been so much...but secrets are intimate and confidential...and I'll share as I feel released to do so. The bottom line is that God met me and has lovingly showed me things I've known for years at a deeper level about resting, hiding, the Secret Place.
The following is from Dr. Zodhiates' Complete Dictionary of Word study in Pocket Bible.
"secret/hidden" - Strongs 2927 - Kruptos - hidden, concealed, secret, in secret where one cannot be seen by others, to be covered.
"sanctuary" - place set apart and consecrated as holy - also served as a refuge and asylum....
If I MUST choose one word - it would be sanctuary. I tend to like "Secret Place" or "Secret Sanctuary" better. LOL
As I shared in Hidden Treasures/Rest - "In the midst of a public season, taking time to be hidden with Christ in the secret place is my lifeline, the solace and rest I crave. This is the "cave" Abba Father lovingly grants in this public season where I'm not allowed to "go anonymous". I can be hidden/anonymous every time I enter the "secret place" with Him."
I've gone there often these past two months. My journal pages are full of sweet lessons. He is becoming my secret place, my sanctuary in ever-deeper ways....the great thing is He was before...but His mercies are NEW to us every morning. I'm refreshed. I'm peaceful.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Love this post. Always enjoy your yearly memorial stone entry.
Beautiful post, De'Etta. I find such encouragement from you; thank you for sharing yourself and parts of your intimate walk with Jesus.
Sis: love/prayer always - mom t.
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