New school supplies matter! I bought a PENCIL sharpener.....and PEARL erasers....and STICKERS...and these two were happy to get right to work....
Love that concentration
I've been looking for some computer drill programs for phonics, math etc. BUT yesterday, I gave up and just bought a bunch of flashcards at the BX. I hate having them strewn around....and pieces get lost....but I have great hope this time will be different. I thought about laminating them all - but why? Other than I have a fetish about laminate.
Currently, they're in a basket...but I'm thinking of the best way to store them. Any ideas? I've thought about hole punching them and putting them on a bit notebook ring....the kids can take them off and then put them is the time to tell me all the wonderful ways to store flash cards that you've found on pinterest. ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Since the box tends to fall apart, I store the cards in ziplocks
I KNOW - I hate the boxes falling apart. I've done ziplock before but they lose them...which is probably more a user error than anything. ::grin::
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