Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Terrific Tuesday Status Updates

  • Whew - got us to the chapel at 07:56 - good PWOC day
  • Love our e-100 group - we RACED through 10 readings this week; glad we don't have to do that often. We covered both Samuels and both Kings in 1.5 hours. Amazing. God give me a WHOLEhearted passion for You!
  • 10 word summaries are a lifesaver when doing a summary with lots of discussion. 
  • Confirmed lodging for WILD Japan! 
  • Woot! Stacia got table school done at PWOC; Zander got table school done with Michael. 
  • We've done 4 weeks of TOG already this week! We are rocking this!* 
  • Stacia moved to a new math book and Zander to a new phonics book this week. We seem to get a lot done when life slows down to the basics....take care of Michael, stay home, do school. 
  • Back to base for another test for Michael and drama for Nolan. 
  • Walking her home - tear jerker - blaring from the KP crew. 
  • Yakisoba for dinner - yummo! Michael ate fruit. 
  • I refuse to think of things that I did NOT get done - I got done all that HE ordained to be done in this day! HE directs my steps, it's HIS voice loud in my head - not the to do list. *
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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