- TnT Gal 4.6-9 Slave to child! Think about it! We've come to KNOW God and better yet, He KNOWS us! Why would we ever willingly put ourselves back into slavery? My heart is to live a life walking in the Spirit, through grace, by faith!
- Taking care of ministry business this a.m. before anyone wakes up! I love weekend mornings! Everyone sleeps in....and I get a lot done.
- Had an AMAZING time last night at an "Intimate Dinner for Two" with our local board. Thanks to Ruth, an amazing prayer coordinator!
- DENIAL - just made it known Jared cannot leave when I'm gone - and that will keep him here until early July, as I travel much in June. ::snort::
- Stacia says being sick is "BORING!" I dislike croup. Everyone is exhausted. ::grin::
- Nolan enjoyed drama practice and rehearsal today - RE Spring Program tomorrow night.
- Stacia refuses to stay quarantined.....trying to use the little masks you can buy at the stores here.
- Dinner with only 5 at the table...hmmm....
- Jared really does not want a big graduation ceremony....we finally talked it all out and he will participate in the Baccalaureate service at the chapel...and the end of June we'll have a "Farewell/Graduation/Thank You" party for him.
- I seem to have weaned myself from excessive Facebook posting...not sure I'll keep up these daily snippets....really do we NEED them? LOL
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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