- Truth and Treasures
- Gal 1.15-18 God was pleased to reveal Jesus and secrets of Paul's ministry future to Paul not so Paul could smugly know, "I've got a secret!" God reveals secrets to clarify the service He is calling us to.
- Gal 2.7 God doesn't demand cookie cutter ministries - LOVE the diversity I've experienced in chapel ministries and PWOC.
- Gal 3.3 It's ALL by the spirit. As I prepare to speak at a retreat on spiritual disciplines, I'm reminded the disciplines lead me to the heart of Christ - but they do not perfect me.
- Luke 22.1-46 Am I truly willing to follow Him to the garden or Mount? The place of sacrifice and suffering? Am I willing to do anything? (My heart cries YES).
- John 18.10 Peter is passionate to protect Jesus, but doesn't seem to grasp the depth of Jesus' surrender to Abba.
- Drove to base for a nice, long, first of many, telephone conversation with PWOC Japan's Regional Chaplain. This was so I could use the DSN line. An added benefit is the chapel is much freer from distractions than my home for these sorts of conference. ::snort::
- Thought about taking a barking, wheezing Stacia in but there were no appointments and she seemed better...why go to the ER?
- Waited for months for the magical cherry blossoms - lasted 2 days before a wind/rain storm...is it silly to be praying the blossoms last long enough to enjoy a hanamai or trip to the park?
- Back at home and she's wheezing and barking again...headed to ER and to take Jared to work.
- Back home again - viral; lungs clear, fluid and such to watch for in ears etc....we worry since her bout with pneumonia but at this point - all's well.
- Dropped Arielle off to baby-sit and picked up a friend to go to very cool PWOC board dinner....more details to follow?
- OK I cheated - I'm leaving NOW for the above....but I may be too tired to post tonight and I know I've been quiet. LOL
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
praying Stacia is okay
Thanks, Renee.
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