Sunday, March 24, 2013

Choosing Joy - CA here we Come!

Moving to CA was unexpected. I decided to begin listing one reason it IS  a good thing each day....our list has grown. I have been posting one item daily on Facebook. Now that we are starting to publish a daily "Lovin Japan" post (and I'm cutting down on Facebook), we've decided to simply post this list all at once on the blog. If we've missed some feel free to share! We want this list to grow. And now we're in the twilight zone - fully embracing what we love here in Japan; reaching forward to where God is moving us next - but wistfully looking back...... 

  1. 37 degrees in Misawa - 66 degrees at Beale AFB. 
  2. Redwoods!
  3. Closet possible Air Force base to Mom G.
  4. Lots of Farmer's Markets with fresh produce. 
  5. Sounds like there is a fairly large Japanese community in the area. 
  6. Strawberry fields outside the base gates. Rumors of strawberries year round. 
  7. A home - God has provided a home for us in CA...we will not be spending 3 months in the TLF this move while the Air Force determines what to do with our family. 
  8. Seven short hours to the girls and our family in OR.
  9. Aero club....1.5 hour flight to Mom G's*
  10. Saddle Club - though we don't have a horse! Stacia loves horses and is excited about this. 
  11. Earthquakes
  12. Libraries with many English books. 
  13. Sea World is 8 hours away
  14. 45 minute drive to snow rather than a 45 minute drive IN snow to get to the nearest "big city"
  15. Grand Canyon is 13 hours away
  16. Beale has an interesting mission 
  17. Nearest Chick Fil A is 53 miles away - 1 hour and 5 min.
  18. San Francisco Bay Bridge will be lit up at night (guess they aren't worried about cutting the light bill in CA ::snort::).  2 hour and 18 min from our hoped for address. 
  19. Trader Joe's  38 miles (TJ site) or 57 miles (google) from our dreamed of home...I've never been to a Trader Joe's but I've had some yummy chocolate a friend sent. LOL 
  20. Speed limits faster than 20-30 mph on the highway. ::wink:: 
  21. Same side of the date line will make phone calls with family and friends easier. 
  22. No ice INSIDE the bathroom windows in CA. 
  23. Yosemite National Park - 4 hours and 40 min from our new home. 
  24. Dental cleanings every SIX months!!!!
  25. We'll have our very own mailbox - Stacia is very excited about this! 
  26. Beale has a PWOC!
  27. Beale has a MOPS!
  28. Whole Food Market - 54 miles away
  29. Wild turkeys and deer
  30. Camping appears to be all over in the area
  31. Las Vegas is 9 hours away
  32. 50 mph speed limit ON BASE 
  33. 2 sinks in our master bedroom bathroom
  34. Lake Tahoe is 90 minutes from our home
  35. America Disney (known as Disneyland to most kids not to be confused with Tokyo Disney) is 7 hours away
  36. Six Flags in 2 hours
  37. Six Flags Discover Kingdom sounds like a blast
  38. Reno is 2 hours away
  39. We can reach the ocean in 3 hours (will surely miss our current 3 min drive)
  40. Train museum in Sacramento
  41. River rafting
  42. Skiing at Tahoe
  43. Snow can be 20 min away in the winter - but not on the streets of Beale
  44. Surrounded by history - look forward to exploring it
  45. San Diego is 8 hours away
  46. Easier access to medical referrals
  47. 24 hour drive to our family in TX. 
  48. 12 hour drive to family in CO.
  49. U pick farms
  50. Children's Museum
  51. Jelly Belly Factory
*Refers to number 9. Aero Club - I was commenting to Stacia that I wasn't sure why she was so excited about a saddle club when we don't own a horse.

Stacia: Well, Zander is really excited about the aero club.

Me: (Surprised and pleased as I envision father/son bonding) Really? I didn't know that.

Stacia: Yeah, since he got the bow and arrows he is really excited there will be an aero club!

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like CA will be a huge blessing with lots of fun things to do and see!
Laura J

Sarah said...

The best blessings are usually unexpected. Here's to your next adventure!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful couple of years ahead! GREAT!

My abundant life said...

Don't forget the u pick it farms, children's museum and the jelly belly factory:)

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Abundant Life - I'm adding those thins to the list now....I'd forgotten about upick in Japan we have done the upick - but it's like a produce buffet. You can't take any pay for the joy of eating what you can as you walk through the orchards or fields.