Friday, May 17, 2013

Luvin Japan ~ Minatures

I could take photos all day...I love the cute miniature packages of food....drinks, jellies, nutella, ketchup and so much more. 

Jams and such 
Desserts the perfect size - this is a salad plate

Ice creams, puddings, yogurts



Baking Supplies 

 This is NOT a child's cart...this is the NORMAL sized cart around here....

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Anonymous said...

Sis: At least using those carts might lead to a smaller grocery bill for me. :):):):) love/prayers - mom t.

Wild Homeschool Family said...

Yikes how does a family shop with that cart!!! I know sometimes food for our family of 6 fills 1.5 to 2 cats or one very precariously balanced and over- flowing normal cart!!!