Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mentor Thursday....

AlishaV via photopin cc
Anytime a doctor asks you, "Have you ever had anyone in your family die unexpectedly before the age of 50," while examining your 14 yo,  it's a bit jolting.  Our doc is sweet, young and needs a bit more tact. ::snort:: Nolan had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and (once again) his blood pressure was high....and so we'll be watching him...Thinking happy thoughts was impossible after her comment. ::snort:: Last time they had him come in for the 3 day tests and all were fine. I suspect it's white coat syndrome. 

 I headed home for an appointment I did not clear from my calendar even though Jared is in town. It was MENTOR GROUP. This group is precious to me...and that's enough said about it for now. Our topic this month was Purpose and Priorities. We all were pleasantly surprised to LOVE "The Principle of the Path." I'll have to find time to blog about it later. Highly recommended book. This month we are focusing on Discipleship and will be reading, "Follow Me" by David Platt. I've not read anything by David before, but loved the start of this book.

We all picked Michael up at the office and went to Karinbas - a restaurant on Jared's bucket list. We'll be eating at his favorites and visiting his favorites until the 26th.

It's been a full day. I had hoped to also move an elliptical and our pick up a bigger table a friend is giving us...but life isn't cooperating.

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

1 comment:

Yvonne Ferlita said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. Looks perfect or where I am at right now.