Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back in CA

797 miles today! 13.5 hours - it was a painfully long day,  but we're "home." It really doesn't feel like home. My heart didn't want to leave TX....but I know within weeks this WILL feel like home....and it never really feels like home until we have visitors. BreAnne is here - but we haven't been here while she's been here (we've been traveling).  She will be here two more days - maybe it will feel like home by Wed. when she leaves and our household goods arrive. ::snort:: 

We made two major discoveries today. We WANT to go back with the trailer to the Flagstaff area and explore for a week or two. It's a long days drive away - but we proved we CAN do it in a day. Two days if I drive it alone with the kids. ::grin::

The second discovery is that the Mojave Desert is EXPANSIVE. It goes on forever.....we found the white sands of CA.

The sun shining brightly made the sand sparkle. I was surprised to see how many mountains are out here.  This sign creeped out the girls. 
It was fun to drive through parts of CA the kids and I have not driven through before. We have much to explore in the next couple of years. 

Now we're back in Northern CA and enjoying SITTING and playing Stacia's Princess Candyland. Michael tromped me in Acey Deucey.  

Shoot! The spa's chlorine level is still so high we can't use it tonight. LOL

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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