Saturday, February 01, 2014

Our Wedding Prep

It seems fitting that my SOAP of the day was Matthew 25 and I researched well-prepared bridesmaids. We spent much of this day preparing for "The Wedding." 

Michael and I had a good morning talk.

Triple Rose
Arielle and Nolan had Japanese lessons. Kim told Nolan to remind me that we used to butter our hands to pull taffy. Ryu and Nolan had a good laugh. Um...that is right!

Krista called and we had a great talk with  her.

My sister-friend, Beth, called and it was fantastic to hear her voice.

Michael and the boys went to replace spark plugs.

The girls and I tackled the candy project. We were armed with helpful tips from readers....cold water, gloves, and the butter trick.  We set up an assembly line and got a routine working well. Stacia unwrapped all these little candy canes for us.

Arielle filled them....she and I both squished the warm canes into hearts....I liked buttering my fingers....really fun for a vegan to be able to enjoy the butter flavor when the project was over. ::snort:: 

We used all the sticks BreAnne had sent  and needed  more. I went for "the box."  Over New Years Krista came in from the garage and commented she saw the box on the shelves, opened it up, and it was like she'd found a "piece of her childhood." I was GLAD I'd kept the box when we left Japan.  This box entered our home one year when the older four were young and we were assistant pastors in Hardin, MT.  One year a rancher graced us with this lovely box - full of  beef. I kept the box - long after the beef was gone. It always reminded me of the family who blessed us  and of God's provision through His body.  I filled it with candy molds and supplies. It's moved with us through these past 18 1/2 years of military moves... to Japan and back.  There aren't many things that say "childhood" to a military family - things change so often....but to me this box always takes me back to that time. It was fun when Krista voiced the same thoughts. Maybe I won't ditch it in our great downsize. LOL Today I pulled it out to get some supplies to finish a project for BreAnne's wedding - she was about 8 when "the box" entered our home.
We finished making these little hearts - some are marked with seared flesh and Arielle is sure a few have our fingerprints on them. ::snort:: Michael came in to say they were taking the van to get the oil changed. We needed to buy ribbon and more bags to wrap we all went shopping.

These two will be ushers with their older brothers at "The Wedding." We picked up pants, dress shirts and these ties. We couldn't find vests or shoes.

We got tights for the girls.

We couldn't find shoes for Stacia.

We obviously need to get the boys in for hair cuts before we leave. I think I can trim up the girls and I.

Though we ALL tried to avoid it - I'll have to all of them with me on a mall trip before we leave for "The Wedding." The boys think a mall trip is a fate worse than death and I think trying to find camis and "such" with the three younger ones in tow is a fate worse than death and more death!!!

We managed to get two weeks of our core subjects done last week. We are working to do this same this week. It will be a full week.

Dinner is over. Michael is polishing up tomorrow's sermon. The kids and I are going to watch an episode of Duck Dynasty....

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Anonymous said...

Sis: What a special day you all had. YUP, I do mean special. Memories. Happy hunting and if I happen to see any such thing as vests I'll let you know. I have to go out sometime this week looking. :):):):) I'll no doubt have Lorri with me so........... we might see something.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks, Mom. I found some vests on sale in the suit department for 50% off at Penneys. Not the most "stylish" but the price is right and they'll look sharp.