I'm not ready to write about a few days in here...but this was a great day. By 9 December, Mom was on comfort care. She was finally getting some relief from the pain. The boys took the red eye flight from Anchorage and arrived early Saturday morning. They spent the day at the hospital and with Stacia. Matt, our nephew, flew up from California. It was special to have them all there.
Cy, Jared, Mom, Jamin, Stacia
Dad with Will and five of his grandsons |
We had been restricting visitors due to mom's pain level. Now that the pain was under control, people came to visit. Each visit, hug, tear shared was a blessing. It really was. I didn't take many photos - but knew Bre would want this one. (Note Pastor Gary over my shoulder.LOL )
Me and Grandma Donna ::grin:: |
A hospital with a seriously ill loved one is surreal. We experienced such joy and love....while also experiencing such sadness and pain.....bittersweet memories of my 3 weeks in Oregon.
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