Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday @ the Hospital

I've previously shared about Saturday in the hospital.  As Mom's pain was under control, visitors began to arrive.  This was a huge blessing to the family. I believe Mom could hear at this point, but she wasn't responding.  We read emails and messages that came to her. Grandkids called and we put the phone up to her ears so they could chat with her.

Nate and Heather and Michael and the kids worked on travel arrangements.

On Sunday dear out of town friends visited. Amazing friendships.

The grandsons trip was quick and they flew out Sunday night to be home in time to go to work Monday morning. Will, Sherri and their boys came to the hospital and I went out for dinner and to take the boys to the airport. This gave me time to touch base with Stacia. She and Lorri had continued to have fun - watching movies, baking brownies, more shopping....they picked the boys up, and had been up to see mom a few times.

Jared, Cy and Jamin head back to Anchorage

Lorri, Stacia and I grab a Christmas photo
A word about time - it moved so very slow, each moment pregnant with meaning; but it also moved very fast, we arrived at our destination faster than I would have wished.  While I was happy to have dinner with the kids, I was driven to be back at the hospital.

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