Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Channeling Electricity

Long time friends and blog readers know  I have difficulties with science experiments...the kids love to remember the exploding eggs and I will never forget strange things found floating in the back of our closet on our pack out from Great Falls, MT.

Alex, Michael, Stacia

Michael is retired now. HE does the science experiments with the kids and I watch in amazement AS THEY WORK. I think it's a combination of a great hands-on science program and the teacher - but they are doing great with it. I make sure the "book learnin" is done, the tests taken, the work documented....he makes sure the experiments do what they are supposed to do. ::snort::  We are using the Advanced Physical Science course from Exploration Education. I love that the text is online and interactive, and the kit comes with EVERYTHING we need to build all the things we are building.

Today, they built a circuit and channeled electricity to light up bulbs. 
The text is online

They also began building miniature houses. I asked if they are going to have one knows at this point.

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