Thursday, June 13, 2019

Phenomenal Friday

In keeping with my commitment to the Power 9 principles for a healthy I moved naturally (at the Friday Fling), strengthened my tribe and ties with my faith based community, and put my loved ones first - in addition to the eating principles. I also managed to avoid sugar another day.  I also got a workout in and walked 16K steps again. 

Stacia and I joined the Lady Lifers for lunch at a local restaurant. The weekly life group we host is on  hiatus for the summer. Honestly, Michael and I knew we needed a bit more flexibility and down time in our summer schedule.  I have learned to listen when Michael tells me it's time for a schedule adjustment. I'd been running  strong since the fall.  We planned to do some social things with our life group once a month - but our summer isn't working well with all the other calendars involved.  Brenda and I were enjoying tea one morning when we agreed I should get the ladies from life group together for lunch. Unfortunately, she and Jacque couldn't make it - but it was a fun break for those of us who could.

After lunch Stacia and I headed to a local store to find cards for Father's Day. It was such a gorgeous day we took a quick run through the Friday Fling. The Friday Fling is a weekly afternoon event hosted by our town during the summer which involves outside vendors/farmer's market/crafty/food trucks.... It doesn't get much better than a sunny afternoon with family.

I started home twice and had to turn back. Once it was to pick up a package at the post office. It turns out it is a box full of fabric and a book about sewing to sell for Stacia. I promise to get more photos and let you know what she is planning to make.

Alex and Michael sunk three poles for the newest project

It was SO nice....we sat around and talked for a bit after the work was done.

Michael made straps for the plastic over the raised beds. 

Alex and Stacia played a bit. 

CoRielle, Bennett, Papa (Michael),  and G Dog or G Dad (my dad)

After dinner we played Farkle. I won! Michael says I won two games. We watched a Hero 6 (I think it's called the one with the mixture of San Francisco and Tokyo).

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