Friday, September 20, 2019

Women's Conference 2019

I was blessed to spend time with ten lovely women at the Alaska Ministry Network Women's conference Thursday night and Friday.  Everything about the conference was top-rate. The speaker, Crystal Martin, was engaging - and real.

Our ladies, minus Nora, on Friday morning. 
Nani, Bonnie, Yasinta, Me, Siakayle, Jacque, Lindsey, Stacia, Rose
 Stacia decided to come at the last minute. I'm very glad she did. I told her to come to conference and on Friday we'd make it to Kohl's. She had a gift card to spend.

After Friday morning's sessions we had 5 hours of free time. We enjoyed lunch as a group at Fire Tap....then 3 went to Aladdin and the rest of us went shopping.  After the mall, we all decided we were thrifters and went to Value Village and the Dollar Zone. LOL

We all met up again at Krispy Kreme for a bit of a snack, in place of dinner, before we headed back to conference.

Bonnie won one of the baskets being raffled for missions. She won an Instant Pot, cookbooks and a host of accessories. 

Nora arrived back for the last session - and we HAD to have a photo with her! 
Nani, Rose, Yasinta, Stacia
Me and Nora (front) 
 Fun ladies. 

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