Monday, April 06, 2020

Family Games While Social Distancing

 Nolan headed to bed immediately after dinner. He has to be at work at 0500 in the morning. I've mentioned we asked Alex to stay home until after this thing breaks. It makes it that much easier to keep Grandpa safe.  Alex has been home one week. 

He and Nolan eat at the ends of the island....and tonight...he played Farkle with us from there.  It wasn't bad - it was sort of fun. No one got on him for double-timing with his phone. 

I think this may be another of my favorite "Quarantine photos."  #TogetherApart

I walked to the mail box - 1.33 mile walk,  not just to the top of the driveway ::snort:: - and talked with Mary K while I walked.  It worked well. I was happy to discover I COULD walk and talk at the same time these days. ::snort:: Mary K was happy to have a nice "longish" talk.  Michael talked with Rose (John and Mary's social worker) and with the social worker at the hospital.  He also talked with Mary. Please continue to pray for John. We began the day hearing he was on oxygen and not doing well - at all. We ended the day hearing he is breathing on his own. Each social worker had a different story. All we can do is pray, keep encouraging Mary, and advocate the best we can for John and Mary.  We are blessed Michael has favor with the social workers. Mary K said she was told she is lucky to have Mike. 

Pandemic facts: 
  • Alaska's governor issued a "health advisory" on Friday that we should wear cloth face coverings if we are out in public. Today, it was stated CLEARLY they'd like all who are working with the public to wear masks, and all who go for groceries etc to wear a mask...BUT it is NOT mandated. 
Aren't they stylin? Daddy, Mommy and Baby masks
Via Arielle's photos
  • I remember being stunned, my breath taken away when Italy hit 954 deaths in a single day. Today the US had 1,339 deaths in one day.  A total of 10,986 deaths in the U.S. 
  • There are a total of 368,241 confirmed CV19 cases in the US.
  • There were 30, 561 new cases confirmed yesterday in the US.
  • In Alaska we had 6 new cases for a total of 191.
  • Sadly we've had 6 deaths.....
I continue to be so impressed with the leadership of our state....I feel informed. Today, Samaritan's Purse flew into Anchorage with needed medical supplies for our rural villages. Praise God. I think the reason Alaskans were so quick to practice social distancing is we KNOW we have less hospitals than most states, and many of our villages are very isolated - if this thing takes off here - it could get bad, fast. It made me happy to hear of the extra supplies for the villages. 
Photo from Gov. Dunleavy's Facebook Page

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