Sunday, July 05, 2020

Another Quiet Sunday

We are not camping - again. We have decided NOT to even TRY to fit a camping trip in before dip-netting now. 2020 - the year we planned a zillion camping trips we didn't go on.

The truth is Dad is not feeling well. He may have eaten too much sugar. He may have a flu bug. He may have a cold. The exhaustion could well be the result of a poorly functioning heart - which we are set to take care of on July 28th.  He doesn't have a fever and isn't in any respiratory distress and so we are simply treating symptoms and he is resting. We don't know what is going on.

Nolan slept 14 hours yesterday, a lot of hours today,  and is fighting his own cold symptoms.

Michael woke up in a sweat and chilled...but felt fine all day.

Alex has a headache and Stacia and I are avoiding them all. We managed to avoid the last bug that raced through the house a couple of weeks ago.

It's a good thing we are self-isolating. Who knows what is going on - but it ain't fun at all! Frankly, enough is enough. We are ready to get ON with summer 2020.... We thought we'd head out camping this afternoon, but decided to just stay put, focus on getting well, and hope for dip-netting on the 18th.

That doesn't mean we did NOTHING today. There are many things one can do without coming into contact with others.....

 Stacia has been looking for the opportunity to put her learner's permit to use. Michael agreed to take her to the fair grounds for her first driving lesson. She drove home. All were smiling when they returned.

Can you believe we are starting to teach our BABY to drive???? Yeah - those little old men and women were right - time does go fast.

Our baby is trying to teach HER baby to quit biting! Millie was in a talkative mood today. 

It's harder to be quarantined/isolated from church when church is meeting and no services are queued to watch on Sunday morning. We have missed them the last couple of weeks.

Instead, we watched a puppy training video. We watched a British cooking competition Stacia had run across.

I baked the Doubletree Cookies again - this time sugar free.  The "loaded" ones (i.e. normal recipe) are my favorite. I used Lakanto Monkfruit classic and golden. They are the closest I've come to an ooey goey chocolate chip cookie since going sugar free. Most sugar free cookies are DRY. These DO require a cuppa tea, but they're not Sahara desert dry. ::snort::

Krista called. She'll be coming home Saturday, the last day of our current 2 week quarantine. She'll be tested at the airport when she arrives and required to quarantine until she receives her results - typically 3 to 5 days. We had planned to simply keep her here at home when she returned...however, dip-netting is getting close and she said if she is positive and has been around us we'll ALL miss dip-netting....she suggested she stay in  a local hotel. We settled on her simply coming home and staying in the RV.  Grandpa will have a hard time with her out there - he still doesn't fully get why we didn't go to church today, or why the kids didn't come over on the 4th.  We surely don't want to end up having to quarantine another 2 weeks if she tests positive, and Alabama has more cases than Alaska, so we'll follow all the rules and isolate until the results are back. Shoot...with our 9 kids doing this one at a time we could be quarantined into 2035.

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