Sunday, July 19, 2020

Day 2 - Dip Netting 2020

We've begun a tally of who is catching what.. we posted it in the RV window and people seem to get a kick to check it as they go back and forth. It's fairly close at this point. 

Stacia got into the water today and got a big one.

Walking the net out....once a fish is in the net you run for the shore, dragging it behind you...untangle it...bonk it...bleed it, notch the tail...and head back out...hoping you've been fast enough that your place is still available. 

New this year is our family fishing shirts...Rachel drew the design and a local business made them up for us. I like them. Note the mask....and it says, "If you can read this shirt your're too close." Appropriate for 2020. There isn't much social distancing here. Some are wearing masks. 

📷by Arielle

Getting the fish off the beach is always the most challenging part of the day. LOL 

Fun to meet at the cleaning station at the end of another successful day! 

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