Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 5 - Dip Netting 2020

Today is Day 5 - and we have most the fish we wanted...but TODAY IS A HUGE DAY - Carrie and Livie joined us. At this point Josiah and Carrie had been dating a  2 or 3 months. Carrie and Liv had visited the house once. We were excited to spend time with them and get to know them better. This was their first time dip-netting.  Olivia is shore crew with me. 

The first part of fishing any tide is carrying the nets and coolers to the shore...and then assembling the nets. 

Krista, Carrie, Livie

Josiah & Krista

Josiah & Carrie

Liv was a great asset to shore crew. She loved bonking Josiah's fish. 

Liv, Carrie and Josiah 

A quick clip...8 p.m. at night. 

Back at camp - cleaning fish. Liv was full of questions and Josiah loved answering them all. Carrie commented to me, "I think Josiah will be a good dad, don't you?" 

"Oh, yes! I agree." 

The freezer is full and the coolers are filling up. 

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