Monday, January 04, 2021

10th Day of Christmas

 Whew! Life by planner! It IS working. First we learned what is essential in this season. Now, we are learning the amount of push  needed (balanced with rest) to work into our normal routine with the extra work of caregiving.  As an example, I used to grab dad and run to the if I want to run to the store with him it takes an extra 20 min to get out the door and another 15- 20 min to get back in the door. 

Today was PRODUCTIVE. I did not get EVERYTHING done which was on the "to do" list...but I got the essentials done and made progress on everything. 

I have not gone to the gym with any consistency or been able to walk outside since we brought Dad home. Many of you know I walked 5 - 7 miles a day all spring, summer and early fall. I just can't leave the house for that amount of time....when I go out, Michael or the boys need to be here and on alert (not in the garage, working in the yard etc).  Timing has been hard...for life and for walks. The sun doesn't come up until close to 10 a.m. I don't want to walk in the dark. By that time Dad IS up.....this will be much easier in the summer when the sun ALWAYS shines and I can go walking early.   OK - that's ALL you know why THIS made me so very happy. 

Great to be OUT. 

For the first time since Oct 8th - I went for a walk. It was COLD. I need to find gloves with the finger pocket thingies, and I need to find something to cover my nose and mouth. My hat was frozen when we got home.  I also need to buy a pair of snow pants that fit me. It was 8 or 10 * outside. 

BUT I committed in the morning, when motivation and attitude are high, to go for an OUTSIDE walk with Stacia. We knew it had to be between 10 - 4 p.m. She suggested we go and I replied it was COLD and I needed to pay bills first. 

Ever felt like the Holy Spirit slapped you upside the head? 

I got up, suited up, and  kept my word to my daughter. I CAN pay the bills when it is dark outside. 
Millie is happy to be out! 

We walked 1.5 miles. That  added to the 3.5 I did early a.m. on the treadmill and I totaled 5 miles! What a treat. I am TRYING to get 100 miles in before my birthday on the 24th.  Stacia and I had begun to think I would need to aim for our Valentine Anniversary instead, ...but maybe I will get it done. LOL 

I have never been so happy to see this sight.....warmth! 

Stacia got a full day of school done. 

In addition to a winter walk, I jumped back into Bible Babes, made numerous calls about Dad's care, picked up Alex from work and made several appointments for the upcoming week. I also cared for Dad, did a bit of cleaning and made dinner. 

Michael did some studying, relaxing, had a Birthday lunch with Krista and continued to try to recuperate from the procedure to his foot on Dec 31st. 

Alex and Nolan worked a full day. Nolan worked an overly full day. 

Krista kept busy! 

Dad's new SUPER LARGE PRINT Bible arrived in the mail. He plans to switch from Dilbert to it tomorrow. 

Walking tally: mile 37/100.

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