Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday spent in Silence and Solitude

Grandpa woke up with a headache and sore throat about 5:30.  He was concerned he had COVID again and was more worried than he had been when he actually HAD COVID.  Krista was drilling at JBER. Michael and Stacia headed to church. Nolan's schedule was such he was able to make it too.  Grandpa slept. 

I suddenly had a morning of silence and solitude. I sat in the nook, with tea and my Bible. I set the Bible down and simply sat, watching the mountain out my window and talking to Jesus. 

A few magical snow flakes began to fall. They weren't "falling,"  as much as floating in the air.  It reminded me of standing in the midst of swirling cherry blossoms in Hirosaki.  I told Jesus they were pretty amazing...

...and then we began to get a lot of flakes...swirling outside my window. I decided to simply sit with Jesus. 

Everyone got home about the time Grandpa was waking up and we moved into an afternoon of  being together.  Grandpa said he was fine when he woke up....

It's hard to believe it's the last day of February 2021.....

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love that you were able to just sit with Jesus. That is precious time and I know you don't get that very often.