Friday, April 09, 2021

Catching Up - April already????

 It's time for another massive catch up post. This is what we've been up in the past 12 days....

March 28th was Krista's last day at church. A funny transitional moment happened in our minds when pastor called "Chaplain G" up to the front. Michael began to move and then realized KRISTA is the new Chaplain G. He'll always be Chap G to many, many of us, won't he? 

After church Krista requested we go to our favorite Japanese restaurant for lunch. We were happy to oblige. Nolan missed out as he was working. This was a treat. 

Grandpa and Krista - grandpa wasn't having those cups

My boyfriend and I

Alex and Stacia

March 29th and we went OUTSIDE for a spring walk!  It WAS lovely for it to warm up enough to walk.  I'll do a separate post on spring and horribly frightening spring walks. 

Those who follow us on Facebook know that it proceeded to snow on April 2, 4th, 8th....the temps have been back into the negatives. Millie appears to prefer her bed by the woodstove over spring walks. 

The 31st we celebrated Krista and Luke's (KrUke) engagement. Stand alone post to follow. 

Krista worked 3 days for a reserve exercise and then went active duty on April 1st. 

Krista left her dresses so Stacia and Allie could pick some for Easter. I'll do a stand alone post on Easter.

Brenda illustrated for me how nicely a French press steeps tea....I got this small one...perfect for getting the grounds out of my chai tea too. 

Allie celebrated having Levi and family over by carving a Pepper Jack. He's pretty cute. He shriveled quickly. That'll probably preach. 

Yep - our personal seasons are changing this "spring." Krista moved out. Stacia packed up dolls and shipped them off to a thrift store.  Yes, I DID snatch out the first one I remember her playing with and saved it for you know....the future. 
Barbie and dolls leave the house

When Krista moved out Stacia and Allie moved beds around and began planning for to renovate the room. I'll report as the plan unfolds. 

I grabbed moments alone in the car to prep for Gather Bible Study. 

Stacia, Alex, Grandpa and myself all had dental appointments the last week of  March. The girls continue to spend 5 hours a day churning through high school. Stacia is starting to finish up subjects. We've had lots of tears in the last 12 days at the, Krista moving, happy tears, stress tears, change tears...

Will joined Josiah, Carrie and Livie. I don't know where the rest of the photos went. Maybe I already blogged this. LOL 

📷Photo by Carrie

Probably more about this later, but wedding planning began. Krista opted to wear Arielle's dress. DON'T tell me not to post photos....Krista said to. I didn't even ASK. She was trying on the dress and said, "Go ahead and post, Luke never reads the blog anyway." I believe this wedding is going to be a lot of fun....picnic style...bouncy houses, 3 legged races...the old community style wedding. I can't wait. 

Millie has been learning "dead dog." Our hope is to get to the point where we can ask her a question and she answers with dead dog. She's been doing the trick from a seated position with Stacia. NOW she does it with Michael, Allie, me and BENNY. 

Bang-bang - you're a dead dog

We've moved on to asking her questions and rewarding her if she drops to dead dog when hearing the words. "Would you rather go on a walk or be a dead dog?" and she drops to dead dog.  She actually DID IT for me this morning. 

Benny Bear - native to Alaska and VERY scarey
If you see one in the wild - RUN! 

Arielle and the boys have begun coming over weekly for respite care. The first week Michael and I grabbed lunch and then hosted a pastoral counseling session. This week we grabbed lunch, picked up Alex from work and took him home, and then went for a gorgeous drive.  Benny walked in the door and informed me, "Baachan, I'm not here to play with you. I'm going to hang out with GG." 

📷Photo by Arielle

How I needed time OUT & ALONE with this man

Bre sent this photo - so many memories. I took one of the kids like this decades ago. LOL 
📷Photo by Bre

I continue to meet weekly with Stacia to discuss our reading through the New Testament. We've moved from Romans to Luke. Good discussions. The boys have just finished their time in Daniel. Michael suggested a family outing during their study time this week. The girls were a bit tricky to dislodge from their schoolwork - but I insisted. The rule is "You don't have to be good, but you do have to be there."  We didn't make Allie bowl - she really hates it - so there isn't an awkward Allie bowling shot, but I got one of everyone else. Hmmm....what a coincident - there isn't one of me either. ::snort:: 
Allie, GG, Nolan, Michael, Stacia, Alex

I broke 20. I broke 40. I nearly broke my wrist when I tried to execute a 3 step approach and slid onto the oiled lane. It WAS fun. 
📷Photo by Stacia

After bowling, Nolan went to work. Alex opted to go home. Michael, GG and I took the girls into Anchorage. We visited Krista's new home. It's BIG and nice. I began to realize we can use her place as a stopping off point. Hmm. Michael and Grandpa went to Lowes. Us girls went to Old Navy, Kohls and Target. We're on a hunt for bridesmaids and mother of the bride dresses. No luck. We DID get a shirt for Benny (ring bearer) and some birthday clothes for Bella. 

We met up with the men at Wild Wings (I think it's called). This was my first time to go to a wings place. It's nearly my first time to have wings. Yum....but I ate too much and need to figure out a better way of doing the wing scene next time. Maybe skip the fries - though I only ate 1/2 of them.

The girls are spending the night with Krista. Us 3 drove back to the valley - lots of time to talk in the car...Grandpa was worn out with the full day. It did him GOOD to get out and about.

...and now you're caught up. 

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